Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where is my Breakfast? Query Mark

В Миске Еда Будет? Вопросительный Знак

It's not so easy to understand: WHY my breakfast is still not in the pen? I'm just here and breakfast is not. Basja is surprised, and the tail expresses her thoughtsso that nobody can have doubts about them.

But the silent query is not always clear to such stupid individuals. In this case you have to look them in the eyes and even jump on the keyboard. If this will not help, it's possible to try with monitor. You have large hope to receive your breakfast finally.

В Миске Еда Будет? Вопросительный Знак
«В Миске Еда Будет? Вопросительный Знак» на Яндекс.Фотках

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