Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pecked in the eye

I can blame Christina Perri's mournful song "Jar Of Hearts" on the "agricultural" accident I have just suffered at the hands of a frightened turkey and a considerable lack of concentration.
During a dreadful rainstorm at dusk I was locking up the animals, whilst listening to some popular tunes on my digital radio.
This rather sad song came on , and I was immediately struck by it and by the voice of Christina much so that I was not looking at what I was doing and I lowered Boris into his house for the night without noticing that the other stag turkey Bingley was already inside sheltering from the rain.
Poor Boris, he was not expecting to be plonked right next door to his Nemesis and he panicked, lashing out at me with his sharp beak, as he did so.
He caught me a good one right in the corner of my right eye, and did so with so much force, he knocked me back onto my arse.
God I was lucky, apart from a nasty pain in my eye and a large bloodshot bruise on my eyeball, there was no more damage!.....I could have easily lost my eye.
Its very easy to forget just how powerful these domesticated animals can be....
Whatever next?
only a month or so ago, I was literally goosed in the goolies by Winnie....
Perhaps next week I will be poked up the rear end by a bolshie guinea fowl?

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