Many potential Pomeranian puppy buyers, on the average, pick females as the better choice, if not also applied to many toy breeds. The opposite is probably true in the case of large breeds of dogs, where inquiries are for male puppies. After all, who would want to pass up choosing the largest and healthiest boy puppy in a litter?
In reality however, Pomeranian puppy buyers might do well to get over the impression that female Pomeranians are docile, obedient, easier to house train, and sweeter compared to the males. In fact, Females rule and lord it over the males, ironing out the pecking (or to put it more precisely, nipping) order, and even sometimes violently settle issues on who gets to be top dog!
So female Pomeranians are in truth more independent, aloof, more stubborn and still more territorial than the males. Given the chance, Pomeranians are even capable of getting it into their heads to try to bully human and Pomeranian family members into submission. In fact, if fights should break out between two poms in a kennel setting, it would be between two female poms fighting for dominance.
But what about the male poms? In their case, the noticeable attitudes are more affection, less moodiness, more attention and affection and definitely more demand of attention from their human family members. Not only are males more attached to their owners, but they are also more accepting of other pets, and more motivated by praise and food, which makes Pomeranian training easier.
The edge of neutered male poms also is that they seldom show secondary sexual behavior such as "marking", or "humping." The ideal time for neutering males is at 4 to 6 months of age; spaying a female is a procedure that costs double the amount of neutering a male.
With regard to house training, the rate of accidents and reception of training of both sexes are fairly equal.
Female Poms are less distracted, and more focused on training. Moreover, an owner can almost hear their brains ticking as they dream up resourceful ways to hurdle anything in the way of what they want.
You also ought to buy your Pom puppy from a registered Pom breeder. Poms by the way tend to have small litters, or one to three puppies to be specific. And sometimes boy puppies outnumber the girls. Since registered breeders wish to produce show-quality litters, girl poms usually are retained by the breeder, making quality female puppies hard to come by.
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