Friday, July 29, 2011

Dolphin Baby Born!

These splendid photos I received some minutes ago. It's the great notice and I'm happy to share it. Even if I'm surprized that all these zoos and parks (you will remember, I published different similar articles in the last period) send me their notices -that means maybe that they appreciate to be published in my blog...
Yes, I'm a travel agent and can sell you vacations and other tourist packages in all the SeaWorlds and other great places to visit in US and all over the world, but the notices I publish here are only my delight the event these institutions make me know about.

Look at this first photo! The mother is so content! I feel really great when I see something like this...

A dolphin calf was born Tuesday morning at 9:36 a.m. at SeaWorld Orlando. The calf weighs 35 pounds and is 40 inches long, with the sex unknown at this time.  It was seen nursing and bonding with its mom, both a good indication that the calf is doing well. Park guests can see the pair at SeaWorld’s Dolphin Nursery. In the nursery pregnant dolphins, new mothers, their calves and experienced moms live together.

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