If you already are in need of legal assistance in regards to your dog or something your dog has done we strongly recommend that you contact a lawyer that is specialized in dog law in your area. There are a long row of different situations when it can be good to contact a dog lawyers such as:
- A dog attacked you.
- A dog attacked a member of your family.
- Someone claims that your dog is barking too much.
- Someone claims that your dog attacked them.
- Someone injured your dog and is claiming self defence.
- Someone claims that your dog breed is not allowed in your neighbourhood.
- Your neighbour's dog escapes from his yard and damages your garden.
- Your neighbour's dog barks all day and cause a nuisance.
- Someone allow their dogs to roam free in your area.
- You want a dog owner to keep a muzzle on his dogs.
In situations like these calling the police or animal control might not be enough and a dog lawyer might be able to reach the result you want faster and when other methods fail.
In situations like these there is a risk that you as a dog owner can be held responsible for your dogs' actions and be forced to pay large sums in compensation. Conversely, if you are the victim of a dog attack you might be entitled to compensation from the dog owner or his insurance company if the owner has a dog insurance that covers situations like these. This is one of the reasons as to why it as a dog owner always is good to have more than a health insurance for your dog. A full insurance can be more than worth its cost if a situation like this arises.
Dog law is a very complex matter due to its local nature and it is therefore very hard to give any general advice to dog owners besides to research local laws and contact a dog lawyer if any problem arises.
This articles was provided by Web Rover Dog Forum. Learn more about dog law in their legal section
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Berg
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